Battle Talent  V11
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CrossLink.InteractCharacter Class Reference

Inherits CrossLink.CharacterControllerBase.


class  ConditionalStuckAction
class  VRSDKSetupInfo

Public Member Functions

Transform GetCameraRig ()
Transform GetHeadSet ()
Transform GetLeftHandTrans ()
Transform GetRightHandTrans ()
delegate void OnPlayerInitFinishDelegate ()
bool IsDeflectSuccLately (float interval=0.3f)
void TriggerDeflectEvent (FullCharacterControl fc, InteractHand hand)
void TriggerParryEvent (FullCharacterControl fc, InteractHand hand)
PlayerUnit GetPlayerUnit ()
void ResetPlayerSoul ()
void ReActiveCameraRig ()
void SetMROfflineBody ()
void MRHideBody ()
void MRShowBody ()
void MRSetBodyShadow (bool _b)
void UpdateUnlockAbilities ()
void InitModifiers ()
void OnceAfterStateInit (System.Action cb)
void SetHudStateActive (bool a)
void ChangeVoice ()
void OnAddExp (string ge, int exp, bool lv)
void IncreaseHeight ()
void DecreaseHeight ()
void SetHeadsetHeight (float headsetHeight)
float GetPlayerHeight ()
float RawGetHeadsetHeight ()
float ReadHeadsetHeight ()
bool IsHeightRecordExist ()
void AdjustCapsuleAndModelBasedOnHeight ()
float GetHeadSetHeight ()
void UpdateTeleport ()
void SetTransition (bool t)
void MarkReadyTransport ()
Transform GetHeadset ()
override void SetPushback (Vector3 vec, bool p=false)
override bool IsGround ()
override void RotateWithVRSpace (float rot)
 this is used for rotate the whole body with vr space if this obj do not have vr controller attached to, then it's the same as Rotate More...
Quaternion CalcRotDiff (Vector3 targetDir)
void RotateToDir (Vector3 dir)
void RotationTarget (Quaternion rot)
void LookAt (Vector3 dir, float sec=0.2f)
void StopLookAt ()
void StartAerialStay (InteractHand hand, FullCharacterControl fc=null, float needSec=AirStaySec)
void StartAerialStayByOthers (InteractHand hand, FullCharacterControl fc=null, float needSec=AirStaySec)
void StopAerialStay ()
void RefreshOtherAerial ()
bool IsAerialState ()
void EnableAerialStay (bool e)
bool IsGrabbingHook ()
void EnterGrabbingHookMode (InteractHook e, bool entered)
void BreakGrabbingHook ()
bool IsSideWalking ()
void StartSideWalk (Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 edgePoint, Vector3 wallDir)
void BreakSideWalk ()
void StartSmallStep (Vector3 dir)
void StopSmallStep ()
StabObject GetStuckWeapon ()
bool HasStuckGrab ()
bool HasStuckWeapon ()
bool IsStuckingWithGrabOrStab ()
void BreakAllStuckWeapons ()
void Dash (Vector3 dir)
void DoDash (Vector3 dir, bool ignoreCD=false, bool ignoreRecord=false)
bool IsDashing ()
bool IsDashAtk ()
void RefreshDash ()
void StopDash ()
void DashJump (bool up=true)
void SetJumpMlpOnce (float mlp)
void MarkJumpSaver ()
void UpdateFall (bool prevG, bool curG)
override void Jump (Vector3 dir)
override void JumpEnd ()
bool IsSlowMoing ()
void SlowMo (float len=2f, float delay=0.2f, System.Action onFinish=null)
void ClearTimeScale ()
void SuperPower ()
float SuperPowerProgress ()
void OnChargeAttack (InteractHand hand)
bool IsDoingStuckAction ()
 for checking if there's an action that stucking player More...
bool IsDoingStuckAction (System.Action removeAction)
void StartStuckAction (System.Action removeAction, bool allowJump=true)
 stuck action is an action that stucks player's position such as dash, grabbinghook, sliding wall More...
void StopStuckAction (System.Action removeAction)
void RegisterConditionalStuckAction (ConditionalStuckAction cond)
 Registering Conditional Stuck Action means some action may or may not stucking player, such as stabbing weapon into the wood More...
void UnRegisterConditionalStuckAction (ConditionalStuckAction cond)
void BreakAllStuckActions ()
bool AllowJumpAgainIfStucking ()
bool HasEnoughMana (float manaRequire)
bool CostMana (InteractTrigger source, float manaRequire)
void OnGrab (InteractHand h, AttachObj att)
void OnFingerGrab (InteractHand h)
void OnFingerTouch (InteractHand h, float force)
void Respawn ()
void Transport (Transform transportTarget)
void Transport (Vector3 pos, Vector3 dir, bool firstFrame=false, bool playTeleportEffect=false)
 Transport player to target position and direction More...
override void ResetMovement ()
void Transport (Vector3 pos, bool firstFrame=false, bool playTeleportEffect=false)
void StopShaking ()
void ShakeCharacter (float sec, float intensity, bool fromGround=true)
bool IsJustAddUpForce ()
void AddUpForce (float force=8, float forceCD=0.5f)
void ClearYSpeed ()
void ClearDownSpeed ()
bool NoEnemyAround ()
float GetHeightScale ()
bool NeedToCheckHandConnection ()
void StopCheckHandConnection ()
void UpdateVRIKHandDir ()
bool IsVRDesktop ()
VRSDKSetupInfo GetSetupInfo (string name)
bool IsSimulator ()
bool IsOculusSDK ()
float GetCeilDistance ()
Vector3 GetCeilPos ()
void CheckCeil ()
bool IsKicking ()
void DisableKick (bool disK)
void ShouldKick ()
void CancelKicking ()
 for close the kicking action More...
bool IsFootGliding ()
void SetFootGliding (bool footgliding)
float GetArmLength ()
void SetArmLength (float al)
void PlayAnimStepSound ()
void PlayAnimJumpStartSound ()
void PlayAnimJumpEndSound ()
void FreezeEffect (bool f)
void ChangeToColourMaterial ()
void ChangeCloakColor (int idx=0)
void ChangeHelmetEmission (Color color)

Static Public Member Functions

static float GetTargetHeight (float playerHeight)
static float CalcTallAdd (float hetsetHeight)
static float GetPlayerHeight (float headsetHeight)

Public Attributes

bool IsLocalPlayer = true
bool IsInitFin = false
Transform networkCameraRig
Transform networkHeadset
Transform networkLeftHand
Transform networkRightHand
Network.NetworkPlayer networkPlayer
Transform clientLeftHand
Transform clientRightHand
Rigidbody simulateRB
ShadowCaster shadowCaster
AIPlayer aiProxy
MagicaCloth.MagicaBoneCloth cloth
InputMovement move
List< GameObject > mrBodyHideMeshs = new List<GameObject>()
List< SkinnedMeshRenderer > mrPassthroughArmMeshs = new List<SkinnedMeshRenderer>()
List< SkinnedMeshRenderer > mrPassthroughBodyMeshs = new List<SkinnedMeshRenderer>()
Material passthroughMat
Material originArmMat
Material originBodyMat
PlayerCombatAttr attr
GazeObj gaze
HUDState hudState
bool isChargedAtkEnabled = false
AnimationCurve heightMap
float tallAdd = 0
Transform headSphere
Collider headSphereCol
float sidewalkSpeed = 4
AnimationCurve smallStepCurve
float dashDistance = 3
float dashTime = 0.2f
float maxDashVel = 12f
AnimationCurve dashCurve
float dashInterval = 1f
float dashMinSpeed = 1f
float superModeCoolDown = 30
float cameraForwardOffset = 0.0f
float characterHeight = 2.0f
HandToggle lefthandToggle
HandToggle righthandToggle
AICommandToggle[] aiToggles
InteractHand[] hands
SlotTrigger[] bodySlots
Animator anim
VRIKCalibrator.Settings settings
Transform headTracker
Transform bodyTracker
Transform leftHandTracker
Transform rightHandTracker
Transform leftFootTracker
Transform rightFootTracker
VRIKCalibrator.CalibrationData data = new VRIKCalibrator.CalibrationData()
VRSDKSetupInfo[] vrInfos
float pelvisStartMoveHeadHeight = 1.4f
float pelvisOffset = -0.776f
float pelvisEndYPos = 0.2f
float pelvisStartZPos = -0.207f
float pelvisLowestZPos = -0.97f
float feetStartMoveHeadHeight = 0.6f
float feetStarterZPos = 0.17f
float feetLowestZPos = -1.3f
float lookdownMlp = 0.5f
AnimationCurve bodyPoseZCurve
AnimationCurve bodyPoseFeetZCurve
float footHeight = 0.2f
float footStepOffset = 0.2f
float footStepReachOutOffset = -0.35f
float footStepTime = 0.2f
float footStepTimeMin = 0.2f
Vector3[] feetInitPos
TransformTransfer handPoseTransfer
float animMoveSpeed = 0.25f
AnimationCurve armLenMlpCurve
Transform[] handBones
Transform[] sholderBones
InteractBase[] feetIB
SoundEffectInfo kickSound
SoundEffectInfo footGlidingSound
RotationLimit[] rotationLimits
MultiTwistRelaxer[] twistRelaxers
Transform[] armLens
Transform[] indexHudFingers
AnimationCurve hitHapticCurve
AnimationCurve grabHapticCurve
AnimationCurve skillOpenHapticCurve
AnimationCurve skillChargeHapticCurve
AnimationCurve weaponFlyBackCurve
AnimationCurve weaponThrowForceCurve
string lvUpEffect
string dashEffect = "DashSparks"
string skillOpenSound
string skillCloseSound
string skillChargeLoopSound
string skillChargeFinishSound
SoundEffectInfo skillChargeFinish
SoundEffectInfo footSound
SoundEffectInfo dashSound
SoundEffectInfo jumpSound
SoundEffectInfo grabSound
SoundEffectInfo slotSound
SoundEffectInfo hurtSound
SoundEffectInfo summerWeaponSound
SoundEffectInfo slowmoBeginSound
SoundEffectInfo slowmoEndSound
AudioSource heartbeat
Renderer[] meshes
Renderer bodyRenderer
Renderer cloakRenderer
Renderer helmetRenderer
Renderer cloakHeadRenderer
SimpleLOD lod

Static Public Attributes

static InteractCharacter PlayerInstance
static Transform PlayerTrans
static AIPlayer AIPlayerInstance
static bool HighLevelFunctionLock = false
static bool CheatSlowMo = false
const float TargetHeightMax = 1.95f - HeadsetOffset
const float TargetHeight = 1.75f - HeadsetOffset
static float BaseModelHeight = 1.85f
static float TargetScaleRate = TargetHeightMax / TargetHeight
const float HeadsetOffset = 0.17f
const float AirStaySec = 0.35f
static bool InSuperMode = false


List< Renderer > MRAllMeshs [get]


static OnPlayerInitFinishDelegate OnPlayerInitFinish
System.Action< FullCharacterControl, InteractHandDeflectEvent
System.Action< FullCharacterControl, InteractHandParryEvent
System.Action< InteractHandChargeAtkBeginEvent
System.Action< Vector3 > TransportBeginEvent
System.Action< Vector3 > TransportEndEvent
System.Action< float > StepSoundEvent
System.Action< float > JumpStartSoundEvent
System.Action< float > JumpEndSoundEvent

Additional Inherited Members

Member Function Documentation

◆ CancelKicking()

void CrossLink.InteractCharacter.CancelKicking ( )

for close the kicking action

◆ DoDash()

void CrossLink.InteractCharacter.DoDash ( Vector3  dir,
bool  ignoreCD = false,
bool  ignoreRecord = false 


◆ IsDoingStuckAction()

bool CrossLink.InteractCharacter.IsDoingStuckAction ( )

for checking if there's an action that stucking player


◆ RegisterConditionalStuckAction()

void CrossLink.InteractCharacter.RegisterConditionalStuckAction ( ConditionalStuckAction  cond)

Registering Conditional Stuck Action means some action may or may not stucking player, such as stabbing weapon into the wood


◆ RotateWithVRSpace()

override void CrossLink.InteractCharacter.RotateWithVRSpace ( float  rotDelta)

this is used for rotate the whole body with vr space if this obj do not have vr controller attached to, then it's the same as Rotate


Reimplemented from CrossLink.CharacterControllerBase.

◆ ShouldKick()

void CrossLink.InteractCharacter.ShouldKick ( )

called in input when just press down kick btn or when kicking still holding kick btn

◆ StartStuckAction()

void CrossLink.InteractCharacter.StartStuckAction ( System.Action  removeAction,
bool  allowJump = true 

stuck action is an action that stucks player's position such as dash, grabbinghook, sliding wall


◆ Transport()

void CrossLink.InteractCharacter.Transport ( Vector3  pos,
Vector3  dir,
bool  firstFrame = false,
bool  playTeleportEffect = false 

Transport player to target position and direction

firstFramemeans change playerUnit root position and direction or not

Member Data Documentation

◆ feetInitPos

Vector3 [] CrossLink.InteractCharacter.feetInitPos
Initial value:
= new Vector3[]{
new Vector3(0.1f, 0, 0.17f),
new Vector3(-0.1f, 0, 0.17f)