Battle Talent  V11
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CrossLink.InteractTrigger Class Reference

Inherits MonoBehaviour.

Inherited by CrossLink.ArrowBase, CrossLink.BombBase, CrossLink.BowBase, CrossLink.DaggerBleed, CrossLink.DaggerDash, CrossLink.DaggerExplode, CrossLink.DaggerMind, CrossLink.Excalibur, CrossLink.ExcaliburScabbard, CrossLink.InteractBellRope, CrossLink.InteractHook, CrossLink.InteractTriggerX, CrossLink.ItemSelector, CrossLink.KatanaSlash, CrossLink.MaceStrong, CrossLink.RogueSelectorTrigger, CrossLink.SelfieCamTrigger, CrossLink.SpearSprint, CrossLink.SpearThunder, CrossLink.SwordIce, CrossLink.SwordSaber, CrossLink.SwordWind, CrossLink.WandIce, and CrossLink.WeaponFlyObjBase.

Public Member Functions

void SetWeaponColor (Color c)
Color GetNormalColor ()
Color GetWeaponColor ()
void SetBrokenEffect (bool b)
bool HasStrongEffect ()
void SetStrongEffect (bool st, bool changeColor=false, float delayLeaving=0)
void SetStrongTrail (bool st)
void PlayStrongAtkHint ()
void AddMaterial (Material mat)
void RemoveOneMaterial (string name)
InteractCharacter GetTriggeringCharacter ()
InteractHand GetTriggeringHand ()
bool IsTriggering ()
List< AttachObjGetTriggeringAttachs ()
bool IsOpeningSkill ()
virtual void OpenSkill (AttachObj attach)
virtual void CloseSkill ()
virtual void UpdateSkill ()
void SetChargeEffect (bool charging, bool chargeEnd)
virtual void OnChargeBegin ()
virtual void OnChargeReady ()
virtual void OnChargeUpdate (float rate)
virtual void OnChargeRelease ()
virtual void OnChargeCancel ()
virtual void OnActivateBegin ()
virtual void OnActivateEnd ()
virtual void OnActivateCancel ()
void Deactivate ()
bool IsActivating ()
virtual void OnCoolDownBegin ()
virtual void OnCoolDownEnd ()
bool IsOnCoolDown ()
virtual void TriggerOnCoolDown ()
virtual void OnChargeCoolDownBegin ()
virtual void OnChargeCoolDownEnd ()
bool IsOnChargeCoolDown ()
virtual void TriggerOnChargeCoolDown ()
float GetLastManaCost ()
FlyObject CreateFlyObj (string flyObjectName, Vector3 pos, Vector3 dir, float vel=-1)
FlyObject NetworkCreateFlyObj (string flyObjectName, Vector3 pos, Vector3 dir, float vel=-1)
void FinishFlyObject ()
virtual string GetGazeManaInfo ()
virtual void OnSale ()
virtual void OnBuy ()
virtual void OnEnchantStart ()
virtual void OnEnchantEnd ()

Static Public Member Functions

static int ApplyOrderedExplode (Vector3 pos, float range, PhysicsUnit self, Rigidbody rb, Collider col, string camp, IComparer< Collider > orderFunc)
static int ApplyExplode (Vector3 pos, float range, PhysicsUnit self, Rigidbody rb, Collider col, string camp)
static void SetOverrideHitInfo (RagdollHitInfo oh)
static List< PhysicsUnitGetHittedTargets ()
static void BeginScanDmg ()
static void BeginRangeAtk ()
static void EndRangeAtk ()
static void ByPassHitScanProtect ()
static void EndHitScan ()
static void SetHitScanIgnore (Tagger.Tag tag)
static void SetHitScanIgnore (Tagger.Tag[] tags)
static void ApplyHitScanDamage (Collider beHitTarget, PhysicsUnit self, Rigidbody rb, Collider col, Vector3 hitDir, string hitterCamp, bool addForce=true)

Public Attributes

System.Action< int, int > serverOpenSkillEvent
System.Action serverCloseSkillEvent
System.Action< int, int > clientOpenSkillEvent
System.Action clientCloseSkillEvent
System.Action< FlyObjectaddFlyObjEvent
FlyObject flyObject
Network.NetworkInteractTrigger networkInteractTrigger
InteractBase interact
float manaCost = -1
float manaCostOnCharge = -1
float skillDamage = 0
bool instantSkill = false
float skillChargeEndTime = -1
string chargeEffect
string chargeEndEffect
SoundEffectInfo chargeSound
SoundEffectInfo chargeEndSound
float activateTime = -1
string activateEffect
float cdTime = -1
SoundEffectInfo cdSound
SoundEffectInfo cdEndSound
float chargeCDTime = -1
SoundEffectInfo chargeCDSound
SoundEffectInfo chargeCDEndSound
bool dontNeedUpdate = true
bool needUpdateOnce = false
Dictionary< string, string > savePointLoadInfo
AnimationCurve[] curves
System.Action triggerStop
Renderer[] skillChangeColors
Color chargeColor = YellowColor
string weaponColorField = "_EmissionColor"
bool enableChargeColor = false
XftWeapon.XWeaponTrail weaponTrail

Static Public Attributes

const string WeaponPath = "Weapon/"
const string WeaponTexPath = "WeaponPreview/"
const string buffPath = "Selector/BuffSelector/"
const float SkillChargeBeginTime = 0.2f
static Color BrokenColor = new Color(0.887f, 0.195f, 0.163f)
static Color DangerColor = BrokenColor
static Color VeryDangerColor = new Color(2, 0.0724f, 0.0469f)
static Color YellowColor = new Color(0.943f, 0.952f, 0.588f)
static Color WhiteColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.35f)
static Color ChargeColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.15f)
static Color NormalColor =
static Color SkillColor = YellowColor
static int BrokenWarning = 6
static bool doingHitScan = false
static bool hitScanProtect = false
static bool rangeHitScan = false
static bool ScanHited = false
static RagdollHitInfo overrideHitInfo = null
static System.Func< PhysicsUnit, Collider, PhysicsUnit, Rigidbody, Collider, Vector3, string, bool > HitScanAction = null
static bool ignoreForceToRagdoll = false

Protected Member Functions

virtual void AwakeInit ()
virtual void StartInit ()
virtual void Destroy ()
void Reset ()
virtual void Awake ()
void Start ()
virtual void OnDestroy ()
virtual void Update ()
virtual void OnGrab (AttachObj attach, bool t)
virtual void OnSlot (SlotTrigger slot, bool t)
virtual void OnOverlap (bool t)
bool ManageAttachs (AttachObj attach, bool t)
bool IsTriggeringExcept (AttachObj attach)
InteractCharacter QueryHolder ()
virtual void OnTrigger (AttachObj attach, bool t)
void EnterActivate ()
virtual void OnEnhance (InteractBase ib)

Protected Attributes

bool isOnline = false
float openUTime
InteractCharacter holdingCharacter
InteractCharacter triggeringCharacter
InteractHand triggeringHand
List< AttachObjopenAttachs = new List<AttachObj>()
bool opened = false