Battle Talent  V11
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CrossLink.CharacterControllerBase Class Reference

Inherits MonoBehaviour.

Inherited by CrossLink.CharacterController, CrossLink.DummyCharacter, and CrossLink.InteractCharacter.

Public Member Functions

void Reset ()
void SetCapsuleIgnore (Collider target, bool ignore)
void SetCapsuleAct (bool e)
void IgnorePlayerCollision (bool ig)
Vector3 GetCentrePos ()
void SetBodyHeight (float height)
float GetBodyHeight ()
float GetDefaultBodyWidth ()
void SetSecondaryColExtend (bool e)
void SetMoveSpeedState (float ms)
float GetMoveSpeedState ()
void SetMoveSpeed (float ms)
float GetMoveSpeed ()
void SetRotateSpeed (float rs)
float GetRotateSpeed ()
void ScaleMass (bool s)
bool IsMassScale ()
bool IsStandStill ()
void StandStill (bool s)
Vector3 GetTargetDir ()
Vector3 GetTargetVec ()
bool IsMoving ()
bool IsMoveComandDisabled ()
void SetDisableMoveCommand (bool s)
void ToggleKinematic (bool t)
bool IsGhostMove ()
void ToggleGhostMove (bool g)
void SetDisableMoveForAWhile (bool dm, float sec)
void PanMove (Vector3 moveDir)
void PanPush (Vector3 offset)
void PhysicsTrack (Vector3 pos)
void PanPushForAWhile (Vector3 dir, float sec)
float GetRotateDelta ()
void Rotate (float rotDelta)
virtual void RotateWithVRSpace (float rotDelta)
 this is used for rotate the whole body with vr space if this obj do not have vr controller attached to, then it's the same as Rotate More...
void RotateTo (Vector3 dir, float rotateSpeed, float dt)
void RotateTo (Vector3 target)
bool IsRootMotion ()
void SetRootMotion (bool rm)
bool MovePosition (Vector3 dest, bool forceAssist=false)
bool IsMovementEnable ()
void SetMovementEnable (bool e)
void SetMovementForAWhile (bool e, float sec=1)
virtual void ResetMovement ()
void LerpYSpeed ()
void ResetMoveComand (float dt)
void UpdatePos (float dt)
void UpdateStandStill (float dt)
float GetOriginalDragPower ()
void InitDrag ()
void SetDragPower (float p)
void SetDragForAWhile (float drag=0, float sec=0.2f)
void SetEnabledJumpCount (int jc)
bool GetJumpEnabled ()
void SetJumpEnabled (bool e)
virtual bool CheckReadyToJump ()
int JumpCountLeft ()
void CountAsJump (int jc=1)
virtual void Jump (Vector3 dir)
virtual void JumpEnd ()
bool IsStartJump ()
bool IsJumping ()
 is just start to jump or not in the ground More...
bool GetPushbackEnabled ()
void SetPushbackEnabled (bool e)
bool IsPushbacking ()
void ResetPushTime ()
void AddPushback (Vector3 srcPos, bool force=false)
void AddPushback (Vector3 srcPos, float hitbackDis, bool force=false)
 used for hitback from attack force More...
void AddPushbackByForce (Vector3 forceDir, bool force=false)
 used for drag and grab More...
void AddPushbackByDir (Vector3 pushDir, bool force=false)
void AddForce (Vector3 force, ForceMode fm=ForceMode.VelocityChange)
void ClearPushback ()
virtual void SetPushback (Vector3 vec, bool p=false)
Rigidbody GetGroundRB ()
bool IsJustGround (float sec=0.5f)
float GetGroundedTime ()
void RawSetIsGround (bool i)
bool IsLatestHitGround ()
Vector3 GetGroundPos ()
Vector3 GetGroundNormal ()
string GetGroundCollisionMaterial ()
void PlayFootstepSound (string footMat, float force)
void PlayJumpStartSound (string footMat, float force)
void PlayJumpEndSound (string footMat, float force)
void SetLatestHitGround (bool hit)
virtual bool IsGround ()
bool IsMidAir (float diff=0.5f, Transform checkTrans=null)
void CheckGround (Transform checkTrans=null)
bool CheckGroundFall ()
Transform CheckCharacter ()
bool ClampGroundEnabled ()
void EnableClampGround (bool c)
void PrepareClampGround ()
void DoClampGround ()
bool IsGhostMode ()
void BecomeAFollowShell (bool b)

Static Public Member Functions

static CharacterControllerBase GetControllerByCol (Collider c)

Public Attributes

Transform trans
Rigidbody capsuleRB
CapsuleCollider capsuleCollider
BoxCollider secondaryCollider
Collider thirdCollider
Collider fourthCollider
Collider[] otherCols
VelocityCalculator velEstor = new VelocityCalculator()
float dragPower = 0.8f
float moveSpeed = StandardMoveSpeed
float rotateSpeed = 800
float pullUpMaxDis = 0.3f
bool enableAssist = true
System.Func< Vector3, bool > UpdatePosFunc = null
float jumpForce = 8f
LayerMask groundLayer

Static Public Attributes

const float StandardMoveSpeed = 2.5f
static bool IgnoreMovePositionRigidbody = false

Protected Member Functions

void Awake ()
void OnDestroy ()
void OnEnable ()
void OnDisable ()
virtual float GetMoveSpeed (Vector3 dir)
virtual void OnJump ()
void PhysicsJump (Vector3 dir, float force)
void UpdatePushback (float dt)

Protected Attributes

float moveSpeedState = 1
float originalMass
Vector3 targetDir
bool moveCommand = false
bool disableMoveCommand = false
bool isGhostMove = false
Vector3 movementDir
float rotateDelta
bool rotateCommand = false
bool isRootMotion = false
float pullUpMinDis = 0.1f
bool checkPullRadius = true
bool enableMovement = true
int moveActId = -1
float jumpTime
int enabledJumpCount = 1
bool jumpEnabled = true
bool enablePushback = true
float impluseTime
Vector3 impluseVec
RaycastHit groundHitInfo
bool isLatestHitGround = true
bool prevGround = true
bool clampGround = false
Transform clampObj
Vector3 lastGroundPosition
Vector3 lastGroundForward
Vector3 lastLocalPosition
Vector3 lastForwardLocalPosition
Vector3 lastWorldPosition
bool ghostMode = false

Static Protected Attributes

const float PushbackTime = 0.14f


System.Action JumpEvent
System.Action< CharacterControllerBase, bool > GroundEvent

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddPushback()

void CrossLink.CharacterControllerBase.AddPushback ( Vector3  srcPos,
float  hitbackDis,
bool  force = false 

used for hitback from attack force


◆ AddPushbackByForce()

void CrossLink.CharacterControllerBase.AddPushbackByForce ( Vector3  forceDir,
bool  force = false 

used for drag and grab


◆ IsJumping()

bool CrossLink.CharacterControllerBase.IsJumping ( )

is just start to jump or not in the ground


◆ RotateWithVRSpace()

virtual void CrossLink.CharacterControllerBase.RotateWithVRSpace ( float  rotDelta)

this is used for rotate the whole body with vr space if this obj do not have vr controller attached to, then it's the same as Rotate


Reimplemented in CrossLink.InteractCharacter.