Battle Talent  V11
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CrossLink.InputMovement Class Reference

Inherits MonoBehaviour.


class  MoveSpeedConfig

Public Types

enum class  MoveScheme { PressSwing , TouchSwing }
enum class  GrabScheme { PressGrab , HoldGrab }

Public Member Functions

void SetMoveSpeed (SettingMgr.MoveType mt)
void SetSpeedMlp (float sm=1)
void SetMoveSpeedForAWhile (float speed, float sec=0.5f)
void SetOptionalMoveDirForSec (Vector3 worldMoveDir, float sec)
 Make the controller pressing forward for a while More...
void StopOptionalMoveDir ()
void TickChaosMelee ()
bool IsChaosWaving ()
bool IsChaoseAcc ()
InteractHand GetMoveHand ()
Vector3 ConvertAxisToMoveDir (Vector2 axis)

Public Attributes

InteractCharacter character
float dashMana = 10
MoveSpeedConfig[] moveSpeedConfig
float moveSpeed = 6f
float runSpeed = 1f
float airSpeed = 2.5f
float airRunSpeed = 0.5f
float simulatorRunCoe = 0.05f
AnimationCurve moveDotSpeed
float snapRotateTime = 0.15f
float snapRotateAngle = 5f
float smoothRotateAngle = 1f
float fastSmoothRotateAngle = 2f
AnimationCurve rotateSpeed
InteractHand left
InteractHand right

Static Public Attributes

static MoveScheme moveScheme = MoveScheme.PressSwing
static GrabScheme grabScheme = GrabScheme.PressGrab
const float MoveThredhold = 0.15f
const float MoveThredholdWMR = 0.15f
static float StepInputSec = 0.15f

Member Function Documentation

◆ SetOptionalMoveDirForSec()

void CrossLink.InputMovement.SetOptionalMoveDirForSec ( Vector3  worldMoveDir,
float  sec 

Make the controller pressing forward for a while
