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  1. Hold down the trigger. Throw weapon.
  2. Throw weapon.
  3. Teleports player to location of thrown blade when on releasing the trigger.


local table = {}
function table:Awake()    self.isCurrentlyHolding = false    self.scheId = null    self.player = CL.InteractCharacter.PlayerInstance    local leftHand = self.player.hands[1]    local rightHand = self.player.hands[0]    self.leftTrigger = leftHand.inputs[CL.VRTKInputButton.ButtonType.Trigger]    self.rightTrigger = rightHand.inputs[CL.VRTKInputButton.ButtonType.Trigger]end
function table:UpdateSkill()    local shootInterval = self.shootInterval or 0.1    local st = self.shootTime or 0    local ct = UE.Time.time    if ct - st < shootInterval then        return    end
function table:listenForButtonInput()    if self.buttonHasBeenPressed then        if self.hand == "left" and self.leftTrigger.IsPressed == false then            self.buttonHasBeenPressed = false            print("stopped listening")            self:Teleport()            CL.Scheduler.RemoveSchedule(self.scheId)            return        end        if self.hand == "right" and self.rightTrigger.IsPressed == false then                   self.buttonHasBeenPressed = false            print("stopped listening")            self:Teleport()            CL.Scheduler.RemoveSchedule(self.scheId)            return        end    end
    if self.isCurrentlyHolding then        if self.hand == "left" and self.leftTrigger.IsPressed then            self.buttonHasBeenPressed = true            return        end        if self.hand == "right" and self.rightTrigger.IsPressed then                    self.buttonHasBeenPressed = true            return        end    endend
function table:Teleport()    if self.isCurrentlyHolding then        return    end
    if self.effectName then        CL.EffectMgr.Instance:PlayEffect(self.effectName, self.trans.position, UE.Quaternion.identity)    end
    if self.soundName then        local volume = 0.5        local randomPitch = (math.random() + math.random(70, 130)) / 100        CL.AudioMgr.Instance:PlaySoundClip(self.soundName, self.trans.position, false, volume, randomPitch)    end
function table:OnGrab(a, g)    if (g) then        self.isCurrentlyHolding = true        if(a.attachedHand:GetHandIndex() == 0) then             self.hand = "right"        else            self.hand = "left"        end    else        self.isCurrentlyHolding = false    endend
function table:PullTrigger()    print("Instant skill triggered!")
    local schedulerInterval = 0.02    local timeBeforeStopping = -1    local timeBeforeStarting = 0
    self.scheId = CL.Scheduler.Create({},    function(sche, t, s)        self:listenForButtonInput()    end    , schedulerInterval, timeBeforeStopping, timeBeforeStarting)    :SetUpdateChannel(CL.Scheduler.UpdateChannel.FixedUpdate)    :IgnoreTimeScale(true)    :SetOnStop(function(sche)        print("Stopping input listener")    end).actionIdend
function table:OnDestroy()    CL.Scheduler.RemoveSchedule(self.scheId)end
return Class(nil,nil,table)


Use this script with InteractTriggerX. No variables needed.