CollisionEffect, but with custom sounds & effects!
Codelocal table = { sqrSpeed = 2,}
function table:OnColliderEnter(collision) -- return when collision was with self
local hand = self.interactTrigger.interact:GetPrimaryHand() if hand and collision.gameObject.transform.root == hand.character.trans.root then return end
local pu = CL.PhysicsUnit.GetPhysicsUnitTopDown(collision.collider) if pu ~= nil and pu.unitType == CL.Tagger.Tag.PlayerRole then return end
-- return when collision was slow
if collision.relativeVelocity.sqrMagnitude < self.sqrSpeed then return end -- return when collider wasnt in list
local ct = collision:GetContact(0) local colliderIsInList = false local collider_index = 0 while self["col" .. collider_index] do if self["col" .. collider_index] == ct.thisCollider then colliderIsInList = true break end collider_index = collider_index + 1 end if not colliderIsInList then return end
-- collide!
local pos = collision.collider:ClosestPoint(ct.point) pos.y = pos.y + 0.05
if self.effectName then CL.EffectMgr.Instance:PlayEffect(self.effectName, pos, UE.Quaternion.identity) end
local soundNames = {} local sound_index = 0 while self["soundName" .. sound_index] do soundNames[sound_index] = self["soundName" .. sound_index] sound_index = sound_index + 1 end
if soundNames[0] then local volume = 0.5 local randomPitch = (math.random() + math.random(70, 130)) / 100 CL.AudioMgr.Instance:PlaySoundClip(soundNames, pos, false, volume, randomPitch) endend
return Class(nil,nil,table)
What's the You can add variables to this component to add the collision detection. For example; the above component will only be used on the col0
collider, but you could also add a col1
, col2
, and so on.