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Boss NPC Script

This script will make your NPC unknockoutable and will give it a boss bar


local RestoreRoleAttr = {}
function RestoreRoleAttr:OnEnable()    local fc = self.trans.root:GetComponent(typeof(CL.FullCharacterControl))    if not IsNullOrDestroyed(fc) then        self:RestoreHp(fc)        self:RestoreMp(fc)    endend
function RestoreRoleAttr:RestoreHp(fc)    fc.attr.hp:SetBaseValue(fc.attr.hpMax.BaseValue)        fc.motion.disableBalanceFeature = true    fc.motion.disableMotionFeature = true    fc.motion.unknockoutable = trueend
function RestoreRoleAttr:RestoreMp(fc)
return Class(nil, nil, RestoreRoleAttr)

Where do I put this?#

This should be used with a Lua Behaviour in the NPC model.