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This script will allow slicing from all directions when colliderName hits an enemy.


local table = {    ragdollHitInfoObj = nil,    colliderName = "Blade",}
function table:Awake()    self.phase1EventHandler = function(fc, mu, thisCol, otherRB, otherCol, point, normal, relaVel)        if ~= self.colliderName then            return        end
        if fc.muscleState:IsPowerfulCharacter() and not fc.attr:IsDead() then            return        end                local frag = fc.reactAnim:CheckHitDismemberPoint(mu.muscleName, point)        if frag then            CL.FullBodyMuscleState.dmgEffectData.cutBodyFragment = frag        end    end    self.ragdollHitInfoObj.hitInfo:OnInteractRoleHitPhase1Event("+", self.phase1EventHandler)end
function table:OnDestroy()    self.ragdollHitInfoObj.hitInfo:OnInteractRoleHitPhase1Event("-", self.phase1EventHandler)end
return Class(nil,nil,table)


Use this script with LuaBehaviour.

User Variables#

Stringself.ragdollHitInfoObjThe ragdollHitInfoObj of your weapon.nil
Stringself.colliderNameThis should be your blade collider's transform name. All other transforms will be ignoredBlade


Can I still stab using this script?#

Yes you can! Just make sure you add a collider to the tip of your weapon which is slightly in front of your colliderName collider so that it will hit that collider first and stab instead of slice.