bool | IsJustFlyStopped () |
void | SetFlying (bool f) |
bool | IsFlying () |
bool | IsFlyStopped () |
virtual void | OnSpawn (InteractBase ow, Vector3 dir, float vel=-1) |
float | CalVelMagnitude (float vel) |
Vector3 | GetFlyDir (Vector3 dir, float vel) |
virtual void | FlyStart (Vector3 vel, bool local=false) |
virtual void | OnDelay (float t, float s) |
| Set delayToAcc time, each frame OnDelay will be call after FlyStart function. More...
virtual void | OnDelayEnd () |
| Call at the end of the delay timer. More...
virtual void | OnShoot (Vector3 vel) |
void | ManualSetMaxFlyTime (float newMaxFlyTime) |
virtual void | FlyStop (bool local=false) |
virtual void | OnTimeOut () |
virtual void | OnFinish (bool local=false) |
virtual void | NetworkOnFinish () |
void | DoFinish () |
bool | IsFinish () |
void | PlayImpact (Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, bool local=false) |
void | PlaySceneImpactEffect (Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, bool local=false) |
void | PlayShootEffect () |
void | PlayDelayEffect () |
void | PlayTailEffect () |
void | EnableTrail (bool e) |
bool | IsIgnoreDamage (Tagger.Tag t) |
bool | IsIgnoreSameHolder (PhysicsUnit pu) |
bool | IgnoreCollisionWithSameCamp (float ct, string camp) |
virtual void | OnImpact (Collision collision) |
virtual void | OnCollisionUpdate (Rigidbody rb, Collider col, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, Vector3 relaVel) |
void | CollisionCountUpdate () |
virtual void | RpcOnCollisionWithScene (Rigidbody rb, Collider col, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, Vector3 relaVel) |
void | OnCollisionUpdate (Collision collision) |
FlyObjSimulateCollisionResult | CmdSimulateCollisionEnter (Vector3 startPos, Vector3 aimDir, float simulateTime, float shootVel, out RaycastHit hitInfo, out Vector3 relaVel, out PhysicsUnit pu) |
virtual void | OnCollision (Collision collision, PhysicsUnit pu) |
virtual void | RpcOnCollision (Rigidbody rb, Collider col, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, Vector3 relaVel, PhysicsUnit pu) |
virtual void | OnCollisionWithRole (FullCharacterControl fc, RagdollMuscle mu, Rigidbody rb, Collider col, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, Vector3 relaVel) |
| Collision with role. More...
virtual void | OnCollisionWithPlayerHand (Collision collision, InteractHand hand) |
virtual void | RpcOnCollisionWithPlayerHand (Rigidbody rb, Collider col, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, Vector3 relaVel, InteractHand hand) |
virtual void | OnCollisionWithPlayer (Collision collision, InteractCharacter player) |
virtual void | RpcOnCollisionWithPlayer (Rigidbody rb, Collider col, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, Vector3 relaVel, InteractCharacter player) |
override void | OnCollisionWithHitScan (Rigidbody rb, Collider col, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, Vector3 relaVel) |
virtual void | OnTriggerWithPlayer (PhysicsUnit pu, Collider collider) |
virtual void | OnTriggerWithRole (FullCharacterControl fc, Collider collider) |
virtual void | OnTriggerWithPlayerHand (Collider collider, InteractHand hand) |
virtual void | OnTriggerWithStaticScene (Collider other) |
virtual void | OnTrigger (PhysicsUnit pu, Collider other) |
bool | IsEnchantble () |
void | Enchant () |
void | Enchant (InteractBase ib) |
void | RemoveEnchant () |
bool | IsStaticScene () |
bool | HasMovableRigidbody () |
bool | IsScene () |
virtual void | SetAttachable (bool b) |
virtual bool | CanBeAttached () |
List< PhysicsUnit > | GetAttachedList () |
bool | IsAttached () |
void | ClearAllAttachs () |
virtual void | OnAttachBuild (PhysicsUnit pu, ConfigurableJoint joint, Rigidbody part) |
virtual void | OnAttachBreak (PhysicsUnit pu, ConfigurableJoint joint, Rigidbody part) |
PhysicsUnit | GetRootPu () |
virtual Transform | GetPositionTransform () |
Rigidbody[] | GetRBs (bool forceUpdate=false) |
bool | ContainRB (Rigidbody rb) |
void | ModifyMassCenter (Vector3 mcenter, float sec=0.2f) |
float | GetTotalMass () |
virtual void | ChangeVelocity (Vector3 vel) |
virtual void | AddForceOnPart (Rigidbody part, Vector3 force, ForceMode fm=ForceMode.Impulse) |
virtual void | AddTorqueOnPart (Rigidbody part, Vector3 torque, ForceMode fm=ForceMode.Impulse) |
virtual void | AddForce (Vector3 force, ForceMode fm=ForceMode.Impulse) |
virtual void | AddTorque (Vector3 torque, ForceMode fm=ForceMode.Impulse) |
void | SetRBCols (bool col) |
void | SetKinematic (bool kine) |
void | DisableGravityAWhile (float sec=0.12f) |
void | ClearDisableGravity () |
List< Collider > | GetNotTriggerCols () |
Collider[] | GetCols (bool forceUpdate=false) |
CollisionEffect | GetCollisionEffect () |
CollisionEffect[] | GetCollisionEffects () |
string | GetNameWithoutClone () |
void | EnableCollisionEffectSensitive (bool s) |
RagdollHitInfoRef | GetRagdollHitInfoRef () |
RagdollHitInfoObj | GetRagdollHitInfoObj () |
RagdollHitInfo | GetRagdollHitInfo () |
StabObject | GetStabObject () |
GazeObj | GetGazeObj () |
virtual bool | IsDead () |
virtual void | Dead (bool destroy=true) |
virtual void | OnCull (TileBase tile) |
virtual void | OnRetain (TileBase tile) |
TileBase | GetCurrentEnterTile () |
virtual bool | OnEnter (TileBase tile) |
virtual bool | OnExit (TileBase tile) |
virtual void | DoCull (TileBase tile) |
virtual void | DoRetain (TileBase tile) |
TileBase | CalcCurrentTile () |
static FlyObject | SpawnFlyObj (string fo, string specificPath=null) |
static PhysicsUnit | SpawnFlyPhysicsUnit (string fo, string specificPath=null) |
static FlyObject | CreateFlyObj (string flyObjectName, InteractBase owner, Vector3 pos, Vector3 dir, float vel=-1, string specificPath=null) |
static PhysicsUnit | CreateFlyPhysicsUnit (string flyObjectName, InteractBase owner, Vector3 pos, Vector3 dir, float vel=-1, string specificPath=null) |
static FlyObject | GetFlyObj (Transform trans) |
static void | CopyWeaponBuffToUnit (PhysicsUnit from, PhysicsUnit to) |
static FlyObjSimulateCollisionResultInfo | CmdSimulateCollisionEnterResult (FlyObject fo, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 aimDir, float simulateTime, float shootVel) |
static void | ClearRecordData () |
static List< PhysicsUnit > | GetTagedPhysicsUnit (Tagger.Tag t) |
static void | FitInTagList (PhysicsUnit pu, bool fitIn) |
static void | Reg (PhysicsUnit pu) |
static void | RegTrans (PhysicsUnit pu, Transform trans) |
static void | UnReg (PhysicsUnit pu) |
static void | UnRegTrans (PhysicsUnit pu, Transform trans) |
static void | RegAll (PhysicsUnit pu) |
static void | UnRegAll (PhysicsUnit pu) |
static PhysicsUnit | GetPhysicsUnit (Collider col, bool checkRoot=true) |
static PhysicsUnit | GetPhysicsUnit (Transform trans, bool checkRoot=true) |
static bool | IsSceneLayer (Transform trans) |
static bool | IsScene (Collider col) |
static PhysicsUnit | Query (Transform trans) |
static List< PhysicsUnit > | QueryInRadiusTemp (Vector3 pos, float radius) |
static List< PhysicsUnit > | QueryLogicTargetInRadiusTemp (Vector3 pos, float radius) |
static bool | IsStaticScene (GameObject go) |
Used for bullet, magic FlyObject resources need to be located under the path of "FlyObject/"