Battle Talent  V11
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CrossLink.AIProxy Class Reference

Inherits MonoBehaviour.

Inherited by CrossLink.AIController, CrossLink.AIPlayer, and CrossLink.DummyProxy.

Public Member Functions

virtual CharacterControllerBase GetControllerBase ()
virtual Transform GetTransform ()
virtual RagdollAnim GetRagdoll ()
RagdollMuscle GetMuscle (string name)
virtual string GetCamp ()
virtual CombatAttr GetAttr ()
virtual void OnHitOtherSucc ()
float LastSurroundTime ()
void UpdateSurround (AIProxy hitter)
AIProxy GetClosestEnemy ()
AIProxy GetClosestFriend ()
float GetTargetDistance (AIProxy fc)
virtual bool CanAimTarget ()
virtual void SetSelected (bool s)
virtual bool IsSelected ()
virtual bool InAction ()
virtual void CancelAction ()
bool IsCancelActionRecently (float interval=1)
virtual void SelectTarget (AIProxy target)
AIProxy GetTarget ()
Transform GetObsTrans ()
AvoidObstacle GetObsCheckedObj ()
Vector3 GetObsCheckedPoint ()
bool CheckBlockByObstacle (AIProxy target)
bool IsBlockByOthers (AIProxy target)
virtual bool IsDown ()
virtual bool IsPowerfulRole ()
bool IsWaitRecently ()
void Wait (float costTime)
virtual void TickAI ()
void GazeUpdate (InteractCharacter ic)
virtual void EnterLodLv (LodLevel lv, float dis)
virtual bool BeAbleToGazeByConfig ()
void UpdateGazeInteract ()

Static Public Member Functions

static string OppoCamp (string camp)
static Dictionary< Transform, AIProxyGetAroundAITarget ()
static void SetAIStyle (string styleName)
static void SetHitTime (float ht)
static void UpdateAtkWindowMlp (InteractCharacter character=null)
static float GetAtkStartTime ()
static bool IsGroupTarget (AIProxy target)
static float TargetProtectWindow ()
static float TargetAtkWindow ()
static void StartAtk (AIProxy src, float actionLen)
static void BreakAtk (AIProxy src)
static bool IsNoCampTargetArround (string camp)
static List< AIProxyGetTarget (string camp=null)
static List< AIProxyGetTargetInRangeAndAngle (Vector3 pos, float radius, Vector3 sdir, float dot, string camp=null, bool includeDown=false)
static List< AIProxyGetTargetInRange (Vector3 pos, float radius, string camp=null, bool includeDown=false)
static AIProxy GetCloestAndAngleTarget (Transform self, float dot, string camp, bool goodRelate=true, bool includeDown=false)
static AIProxy GetCloestTarget (Transform self, string camp, bool goodRelate=true, bool includeDown=false)

Static Public Attributes

const string CampGood = "Good"
const string CampBad = "Bad"
const string CampNone = "None"
const float KissDis = 0.6f
const float Face2FaceDis = 1.2f
const float CollisionDis = 2f
const float MeleeAtkDis = 2.5f
const float MeleeAtkReadyAtkDis = 3f
const float MeleeSafeDis = 4f
const float StandByDis = 8f
const float FarAwayDis = 10f
static bool EnableGroupAI = false
static AIProxy atkAI
static float AIWaitTimeMlp = 0.5f

Protected Member Functions

void OnEnable ()
void OnDisable ()
virtual void SetInAction ()
virtual bool CanDoGazeReact ()
virtual void OnGazeEnter (InteractCharacter ic)
virtual void OnGazeExit ()
virtual void OnGazeUpdate (InteractCharacter ic)
virtual void OnGazeLeaving ()

Protected Attributes

bool isInAction = false
int actionId = -1
AIProxy targetSelected = null
CharacterControllerBase blockChar = null
float gazeTime = -1