Battle Talent  V11
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CrossLink.RagdollReactAnimation Class Reference

Inherits MonoBehaviour.

Public Member Functions

void Init ()
void ConfigGrabPose ()
void InitMakeup ()
void LateInit ()
void InitPendants ()
void RegAllParts ()
void SetNearMeshForPaint (SkinnedMeshRenderer smr)
 setup specific to paint, so that our paint system no need to search again More...
void SetOverridePaintSize (Vector2 size)
void SetOverridePaintSize (float radius, float rangeMin, float rangeMax)
void SetOverridePaintSize (float radius)
void DropOverridePaintSize ()
void Paint (PaintIn3D.P3dPaintDecal decalTexture, PaintIn3D.P3dPaintDecal decalGloss, PaintIn3D.P3dPaintDecal decalNormal, PaintIn3D.P3dPaintDecal decalBlood, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, bool randomAngle, float pressure=1, bool randomSize=true)
void PaintTextureDecal (PaintIn3D.P3dPaintDecal decal, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, float pressure=1)
void EnableWeaponIK (bool e)
void DisableWeaponIK (bool wd)
bool CanUpdateWeaponIK ()
void UpdateWeaponIK (Vector3 weaponPos, bool keep=false, bool weightLoosing=false)
void ApplyWeaponIKResult ()
void ClearWeaponIKPos ()
bool IsDoingWeaponIK ()
bool IsBlockStop ()
float GetHitBlockTime ()
void OnBlock (Vector3 forceDir)
void ClearWeaponOffset ()
void OnHit (string name, Vector3 force, Vector3 point, float factor)
bool IsDismember ()
void InitDismember ()
bool IsCutable ()
BodyFragment GetBodyFragment (string muName)
BodyFragment FindClosestFrag (Vector3 point)
BodyFragment CheckHitDismemberPoint (string muName, Vector3 point, float cutRadiuMlp=1)
SkinnedMeshRenderer GetSmrOfMuscle (string muName)
bool Dismember (BodyFragment frag)
bool BlowUp (BodyFragment frag, Vector3 direction, float force)
bool BlowUp (BodyFragment frag)
void FreezeEffect (bool f, bool local=false)
InteractBase GetWeapon (string boneName)
void SetWeaponCollisionEnableWith (Collider[] cols, bool e)
void SetWeaponCollisionEnableWithSelf (bool e)
void SetWeaponCollisionEffectEnable (bool e)
void SetupEndBones ()
bool IsBreakableJoint (ConfigurableJoint joint)
void DropWeapon ()
void OnReleaseInteract ()
void OpenDizzyGrabPoses (bool o, bool forceCheck=false)
void EnableGrabLimit (bool e)
void ClearGrab ()
void SetTearAdd (int num)
int GetTearAdd ()
bool CouldNotTearPart ()
bool IsTear ()
void DoTearPart ()
bool CanBeTear (Rigidbody r1, Rigidbody r2)

Public Attributes

bool IsServer = true
System.Action< bool > networkSetWeaponCollisionEffectAction
System.Action< int > networkDismemberAction
System.Action< int > networkBlowUpAction
System.Action< bool > networkFreezeAction
RagdollAnim ra
MotionDetector motion
CharacterAnimation anim
CharacterController controller
CombatReactProfile reactProfile
BodySpotSet bodySpot
CharacterMakeUp makeup
PaintIn3D.P3dPaintable paintable
PaintIn3D.P3dPaintableTexture paintTex
PaintIn3D.P3dPaintableTexture paintNormal
PaintIn3D.P3dPaintableTexture paintGloss
System.Action< int, Vector3 > BreakDefendEvent
WeaponIKPose[] weaponIKPose
float blockStopTime = -1
float blockHitFactor = 0
float[] enterBlockStopPobs
float[] eachPhaseLerpSpeed
HitReaction hitReactIK
float hitReactMlp = 1
RagdollDismembermentVisual dismember
Dictionary< string, List< BodyFragment > > muscleCutoffMap = new Dictionary<string, List<BodyFragment>>()
bool dropHoldingWeapons = true
List< InteractBasePendantpendants
InteractBase[] dizzyGrabPoses
InteractBase[] weapons
Transform[] dieDetachBones
Transform[] allDetachableBones
ConfigurableJoint[] dieBreakableJoints
bool enableTearPart = false

Static Public Attributes

const float TearDis = 0.35f
const float TearDisSqrt = TearDis * TearDis


System.Action< AttachObj, bool > BodyGrabEvent
System.Action TearEvent

Member Function Documentation

◆ SetNearMeshForPaint()

void CrossLink.RagdollReactAnimation.SetNearMeshForPaint ( SkinnedMeshRenderer  smr)

setup specific to paint, so that our paint system no need to search again
