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Enchantment Spell

Note: The prefixes used in the tutorial are "WMD_", which can be replaced with your own prefix, and you will need to change the prefix in the AddressableConfig(Assets/Resources/AddressableConfig) file. Once you have changed the prefix, you will need to fill in your new prefix instead of "WMD_" in the tutorial.

Making enchantment spells requires updating ModToolkit to the latest version.

Here we use Spell_FireBall as an example.

1.make enchantment skills#

Open SpellBaseScript, you can see the following api.


  • OnEnchantSkillByStab: called when the enchanted weapon is stab a unit.

  • ib: InteractBase of the enchanted weapon

  • si: infomation about the stab.

  • OnEnchantSkillWithRole: called when the enchanted weapon is collision with role

  • ib: InteractBase of the enchanted weapon

  • collision: collision info.

  • fc: FullCharacterControl of the role.

With these api, we can make spell's enchantment skill. Refer to SpellfireballScript:


function spellFireBall.OnEnchantSkillWithRole(ib, fc, mu, thisCol, otherRB, otherCol, point, normal, relaVel)    if mu then        --Cannot ignite flames on armour.        local state = fc.muscleState.stateRecord[mu.muscleName]        if fc.muscleState:IsArmor(state, thisCol) then            return        end    end        --Skill release count.    ib:EnchantSkillCountUpdate()        local pos = point    if thisCol.sharedMesh and not thisCol.convex then        pos = point    else        pos = thisCol:ClosestPoint(point)    end        --Calling your enchantment skill    spellFireBall.SpawnFire(ib, thisCol.transform, pos, normal)end
function spellFireBall.SpawnFire(ib, trans, pos, normal)    local fo = CL.FlyObject.CreateFlyObj("Zone_Fire_Small_Short", ib, pos, UE.Vector3.up)    fo.trans.position = pos    fo.trans:SetParent(trans)end

2.Fill in the enchantment skill parameters#


  • isEnchantable: 1 means it can enchant weapons, 0 means it can't.
  • enchantSkillCount: The number of times the enchantment skill can be used
  • enchantSkillDura: The duration of the enchantment.


  • enchantingEffect: The effect at the start of the enchantment.
  • enchantingEffectLoop: The effect that loops after successful enchantment.
  • enchantEffectEnd: The end of the enchantment effect.