Dungeon merchandise
Note: The prefixes used in the tutorial are "WMD_", which can be replaced with your own prefix, and you will need to change the prefix in the AddressableConfig(Assets/Resources/AddressableConfig) file. Once you have changed the prefix, you will need to fill in your new prefix instead of "WMD_" in the tutorial.
Fill in the following configuration to customise dungeon merchandise
Here we use Gun_AK47 as an example.
: The level of the dungeon, your item will appear in the configuration of the level. The currently configurable levels :Style_1
: The probability that dungeon merchant will sell this item. Typical configurations rangefrom 1 to 100
, The higher the value the higher the probability.price
: the base price of the item.enhance level
:Initial enhancement level
of the weapon. the weapon will be enhanced to the configured level at the time of sale.