Battle Talent  V11
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CrossLink.CreatureGenerator Class Reference

Inherits MonoBehaviour.

Inherited by CrossLink.ElfGenerator, CrossLink.ElfRogueGenerator, and CrossLink.SkelGenerator.

Public Member Functions

string GetCreatureName ()
void FillReact (RagdollReactAnimation react, InteractBase interact)
virtual void SetupCreature ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void PreCreateCharacter (string name)
static void ClearPreCreateCharacter ()
static FullCharacterControl CreateCharacter (string name)
static InteractBase InstallPendant (FullCharacterControl fc, string name, GameObject pendantGO, Transform rbBodyPart, Transform pendantPos)
static InteractBase InstallWeaponDynamic (FullCharacterControl fc, string muscleName, GameObject weaponGO, Transform rbHand, Transform weaponPos)
static void FillReactWeapon (RagdollReactAnimation react, InteractBase interact)

Public Attributes

Object leftHandWeapon
Object rightHandWeapon
Object rightSpinePendant
Object leftSpinePendant
Object rightPelvisPendant
Object leftPelvisPendant
float weaponRandomFactor = 0
List< string > randomWeaponList = new List<string>()
bool leftHandWeaponSpawn
bool rightHandWeaponSpawn
bool dropWeapon = true
ArmorProfile armorProfile
ArmorProfile.ArmorTag[] armorConfigs
ArmorProfile.ArmorTag[] armorConfigsRandom
float armorRandomFactor = 0.4f
float atkDesire = 0.5f
float stiffTimeMax = 4
float stiffTimeMin = 0.2f
float waitTimeMax = 5
float waitTimeMin = 3
float atkCooldown = 0
float atkCooldownMin = -1
float resistShieldValue = 0
float checkDodgePob = 0.3f
float checkTuantPob = 0f
float bestAtkDistance = 4f
float moveCDBestDis = 0
float hateThreshold = -1
float hateReduceMlp = 1
float confrontAtkDesire = -1
bool isRangeUnit = false
float blockHitFactor = 0
float blockStopTime = -1
float[] enterBlockStopPobs
float[] eachPhaseLerpSpeed
Object[] weaponIKPose
bool controllerAct = true
float switchActionPob = 0.5f
float switchActionInterval = 5
float dynamicAtkSpeed = -1
float dynamicAtkSpeedRange = -1
float beBlockWhenStrongAtkRate = -1
float atkOffsetMin = 0
float atkOffsetMax = 0
ActionData[] aiActions
ActionData[] dodgeActions
CooldownSlot[] cooldownSlots
ActionData[] wakeupActions
RuntimeAnimatorController animSet
MuscleStateProfile muscleAttrProfile
CombatReactProfile reactProfile
float extraHitResist = 0
float moveSpeed = 2.5f
float moveSpeedMlp = -1
float rotateSpeed = -1f
bool enableRandomSize = false
float sizeMin = 0.9f
float sizeMax = 1.1f
Vector3 headSizeMin =
Vector3 headSizeMax =
string[] defaultBuffs
float deathAnimProb = 0
GameObject[] activeObjs
CreatureBase.ActiveObjSet[] randomActiveObjs
CreatureBase.ActiveObjSet randomActiveAdditions
Renderer[] changeMatRenderers
CreatureBase.MaterialSet[] changeMatSets
CharacterMakeUp makeupProfile
BlendSet[] overridedBlends
bool hasEyeTrails = false
bool disableMotionFeature = false
bool clearStabWhenAction = true

Static Public Attributes

static string GenCharacterPath = "CharacterGen/"
static string GenCharacterPreviewPath = "CharacterGenPreview/"
static string[] WeaponPoints
static string PendantRightSpinePoint = "RWeapon Spine"
static string PendantLeftSpinePoint = "LWeapon Spine"
static string PendantRightPelvisPoint = "RWeapon Pelvis"
static string PendantLeftPelvisPoint = "LWeapon Pelvis"

Member Data Documentation

◆ WeaponPoints

string [] CrossLink.CreatureGenerator.WeaponPoints
Initial value:
= new string[] {
"RWeapon Point",
"LWeapon Point"