Battle Talent  V11
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Properties | List of all members
CrossLink.Network.NetworkStateBase Class Reference

Inherits CrossLink.Network.NetworkSyncBase.

Inherited by CrossLink.Network.NetworkBGMPlayerState, CrossLink.Network.NetworkBuffMgr, CrossLink.Network.NetworkCharacterState, CrossLink.Network.NetworkDungeonMgr, CrossLink.Network.NetworkDungeonRecordBoard, CrossLink.Network.NetworkDungeonShop, CrossLink.Network.NetworkDungeonStartRoom, CrossLink.Network.NetworkInteractHand, CrossLink.Network.NetworkModState, CrossLink.Network.NetworkModifierMgr, CrossLink.Network.NetworkObjBase, CrossLink.Network.NetworkPlayerInput, CrossLink.Network.NetworkPlayerState, CrossLink.Network.NetworkSandboxControlState, CrossLink.Network.NetworkSceneStateX, CrossLink.Network.NetworkStabObject, and CrossLink.Network.NetworkTileRespawnState.

Public Types

enum class  DataType {
  NONE = 0 , BOOL = 1 << 0 , FLOAT = 1 << 1 , INT = 1 << 2 ,
  VEC2 = 1 << 3 , VEC3 = 1 << 4 , QUAT = 1 << 5 , STR = 1 << 6

Public Member Functions

void CmdFunc (string funcKey, List< object > objs)
virtual void OnCommandFunc (int index, List< bool > boolList, List< float > floatList, List< int > intList, List< string > strList)
override void OnStartServer ()
override void OnStopServer ()
override void OnStartClient ()
override void OnStopClient ()
void RpcFunc (int index, List< bool > boolList, List< float > floatList, List< int > intList, List< string > strList)
void CheckMask (DataType dataType)
int RegBoolState (NetworkState< bool > state, System.Action< bool > clientChangedCallback=null, System.Action< bool > serverChangedCallback=null)
int RegFloatState (NetworkState< float > state, System.Action< float > clientChangedCallback=null, System.Action< float > serverChangedCallback=null)
int RegIntState (NetworkState< int > state, System.Action< int > clientChangedCallback=null, System.Action< int > serverChangedCallback=null)
int RegVec2State (NetworkState< Vector2 > state, System.Action< Vector2 > clientChangedCallback=null, System.Action< Vector2 > serverChangedCallback=null)
int RegVec3State (NetworkState< Vector3 > state, System.Action< Vector3 > clientChangedCallback=null, System.Action< Vector3 > serverChangedCallback=null)
int RegQuatState (NetworkState< Quaternion > state, System.Action< Quaternion > clientChangedCallback=null, System.Action< Quaternion > serverChangedCallback=null)
int RegStrState (NetworkState< string > state, System.Action< string > clientChangedCallback=null, System.Action< string > serverChangedCallback=null)
override void OnSerialize (NetworkWriter writer, bool initialState)
override void OnDeserialize (NetworkReader reader, bool initialState)
virtual void InitStates ()
virtual void SpawnInit ()
virtual NetworkStateSnapshot Construct ()
void ServerAddSnapshot (NetworkStateSnapshot snapshot)
void ClientAddSnapshot (NetworkStateSnapshot snapshot)
virtual bool Changed (NetworkStateSnapshot current)
virtual void Reset ()
bool GetBoolStateValue (NetworkState< bool > state)
float GetFloatStateValue (NetworkState< float > state)
int GetIntStateValue (NetworkState< int > state)
Vector2 GetVec2StateValue (NetworkState< Vector2 > state)
Vector3 GetVec3StateValue (NetworkState< Vector3 > state)
Quaternion GetQuatStateValue (NetworkState< Quaternion > state)
string GetStrStateValue (NetworkState< string > state)
void SetBoolStateValue (NetworkState< bool > state, bool value)
void SetFloatStateValue (NetworkState< float > state, float value)
void SetIntStateValue (NetworkState< int > state, int value)
void SetVec2StateValue (NetworkState< Vector2 > state, Vector2 value)
void SetVec3StateValue (NetworkState< Vector3 > state, Vector3 value)
void SetQuatStateValue (NetworkState< Quaternion > state, Quaternion value)
void SetStrStateValue (NetworkState< string > state, string value)

Public Attributes

bool isMgr = false
System.Action serverInitAction
System.Action clientInitAction
NetworkStateLibrary stateLibrary
List< UnityEvent< List< bool >, List< float >, List< int >, List< string > > > rpcSends
List< UnityEvent< List< bool >, List< float >, List< int >, List< string > > > cmdSends
List< UnityEvent< List< bool >, List< float >, List< int >, List< string > > > rpcCallbacks
List< UnityEvent< List< bool >, List< float >, List< int >, List< string > > > cmdCallbacks
DataType dataMask = DataType.NONE
SortedList< DataType, int > typeStatesCount
List< bool > localBoolStates = new List<bool>()
List< float > localFloatStates = new List<float>()
List< int > localIntStates = new List<int>()
List< Vector2 > localVec2States = new List<Vector2>()
List< Vector3 > localVec3States = new List<Vector3>()
List< Quaternion > localQuatStates = new List<Quaternion>()
List< string > localStrStates = new List<string>()
List< NetworkState< bool > > netBoolStates = new List<NetworkState<bool>>()
List< NetworkState< float > > netFloatStates = new List<NetworkState<float>>()
List< NetworkState< int > > netIntStates = new List<NetworkState<int>>()
List< NetworkState< Vector2 > > netVec2States = new List<NetworkState<Vector2>>()
List< NetworkState< Vector3 > > netVec3States = new List<NetworkState<Vector3>>()
List< NetworkState< Quaternion > > netQuatStates = new List<NetworkState<Quaternion>>()
List< NetworkState< string > > netStrStates = new List<NetworkState<string>>()
bool onlySyncOnChange = true
float onlySyncOnChangeCorrectionMultiplier = 2
bool compressQuat = true
float floatSensitivity = 0.01f
float vec2Sensitivity = 0.01f
float vec3Sensitivity = 0.01f
float quatSensitivity = 0.01f
bool interpolateFloats = true
bool interpolateVec2s = true
bool interpolateVec3s = true
bool interpolateQuats = true
readonly SortedList< double, NetworkStateSnapshotclientSnapshots = new SortedList<double, NetworkStateSnapshot>(16)
readonly SortedList< double, NetworkStateSnapshotserverSnapshots = new SortedList<double, NetworkStateSnapshot>(16)
Queue< NetworkStateSnapshotcacheSnapshots = new Queue<NetworkStateSnapshot>()
NetworkStateSnapshot lastSnapshot
bool timelineOffset = false
Dictionary< string, UnityEvent< List< bool >, List< float >, List< string >, List< int > > > events = new Dictionary<string, UnityEvent<List<bool>, List<float>, List<string>, List<int>>>()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void OnEnable ()
virtual void OnDisable ()
override void Update ()
override void FixedUpdate ()
override void LateUpdate ()
override void UpdateServerLerp ()
override void UpdateClientLerp ()
override void FixedUpdateServerLerp ()
override void FixedUpdateClientLerp ()
void AddSnapshot (SortedList< double, NetworkStateSnapshot > snapshots, double timeStamp, List< bool > boolStates, List< float > floatStates, List< int > intStates, List< Vector2 > vec2States, List< Vector3 > vec3States, List< Quaternion > quatStates, List< string > strStates)
virtual void Apply (InterpolateSnapshot interpolated, NetworkStateSnapshot endGoal)
virtual void OnC2SSync (List< bool > boolStates, List< float > floatStates, List< int > intStates, List< Vector2 > vec2States, List< Vector3 > vec3States, List< Quaternion > quatStates, List< string > strStates)
void OnS2CSync (List< bool > boolStates, List< float > floatStates, List< int > intStates, List< Vector2 > vec2States, List< Vector3 > vec3States, List< Quaternion > quatStates, List< string > strStates)


bool IsInit [get]
bool isSender [get]
double timeStampAdjustment [get]
double offset [get]

Additional Inherited Members

Member Data Documentation

◆ lastSnapshot

NetworkStateSnapshot CrossLink.Network.NetworkStateBase.lastSnapshot
Initial value:
= new NetworkStateSnapshot()
remoteTime = 0,
localTime = 0,
boolStates = new List<bool>(),
floatStates = new List<float>(),
intStates = new List<int>(),
vec2States = new List<Vector2>(),
vec3States = new List<Vector3>(),
quatStates = new List<Quaternion>(),
strStates = new List<string>()

◆ typeStatesCount

SortedList<DataType, int> CrossLink.Network.NetworkStateBase.typeStatesCount
Initial value:
= new SortedList<DataType, int>() {
{DataType.BOOL, 0}, {DataType.FLOAT, 0}, {DataType.INT, 0}, {DataType.VEC2, 0}, {DataType.VEC3, 0}, {DataType.QUAT, 0}, { DataType.STR, 0},