Battle Talent  V11
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
CrossLink.UnlockContentItem Class Reference

Inherits CrossLink.IUIButtonData, and System.IComparable< UnlockContentItem >.

Public Types

enum class  AchievementState { Unknown , Known , Loot }

Public Member Functions

void SetCopy (UnlockContentItem item)
float GetAttrbuteLevel ()
bool IsExist (GameMode gameMode)
bool IsShownInStore ()
bool IsUnlocked ()
bool IsEnabled ()
bool IsUnlockedAndEnabled (GameMode gamemode=GameMode.Story)
int GetRequireCoin ()
string GetIcon ()
string GetDescText ()
void OnUnlock (bool open=true)
void OnToggle ()
bool IsShowHint ()
bool IsHightLight ()
bool IsFragmentUnlock ()
bool IsDefaultItem ()
void SetDefaultItem (bool isDefault=true)
int CompareTo (UnlockContentItem other)

Public Attributes

UnlockContentPanel unlockContentPanel
string iconName
string dependItemName
string dependLevelName
UnlockContentConfig.UnlockContentType contentType
UnlockContentConfig.ContentWeaponType weaponType = UnlockContentConfig.ContentWeaponType.Other
int unlockRequireCoinNum
int eachSegmentCoinNum
int buySoulNum
int sellSoulNum
float dropPob
List< float > localSellCoe = new List<float>() { 0f, 0f, 0f }
FragmentInfo unlockRequireFragment
bool canNotMountOnTheBack = false
bool isAlwaysEnabled = false
string descInputText
string name
int unlockState
bool disabled = false
int showState = 0
int itemID = 0
bool existVideo = false
AchievementState achState = AchievementState.Known
int extraReward = 0