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Before Releasing

Before you release your own mod there are a couple of things you should do.

Renamed the product#

The way to change product name

  1. Go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Player.
  2. Modify field Product Name to your new mod name. Use the format: YOURPREFIX_MyModName. (Example: UF_ChevalierSword)

Prefix your new mod#

  1. Open Assets -> Resources -> AddressableConfig.asset
  2. Modify field Prefix to your new prefix name. Use the format: YOURPREFIX_MyModName_. (Example: UF_ChevalierSword_)
  3. Press the button "Create And Refresh Addressable Name to automatically create (or update) all addressables with the correct prefix"
  4. Manually check if all your addressables are now prefixed correctly under window -> asset management -> addressables -> groups

Add a config#

Right click under Assets -> Build -> YourWeaponName -> Config, then create an ItemInfoConfig then rename it as you need.(ItemInfoConfig is one of our entry point of your mod. Battle Talent will load all the ItemInfoConfig files in your mod, and add them into the game. Another entry point of mod, is entry script. Battle Talent will always load this script if your mod have it with

Add an icon#

Create an icon under Assets -> Build -> YourWeaponName -> ICon -> YourWeaponName.png Make sure an icon is added, else the store will crash.

Added addressables#

Go to Resources/AaddressablesConfig and click Create and Refresh Addresable Name.

Cleared the project of files you are not using.#

Two ways to clear the project of examples

  • Delete all weapons under Build folder that you are not gonna use.
  • Delete all models and other files under Resources folder that you are not gonna use.

No errors#

Open the in-game console (cheat menu must be unlocked) and make sure no errors are shown when you've spawned and tested a weapon. It will cause unexpected issues throughout the game so DONT RELEASE MODS WITH ERRORS.