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Add a new hitinfo to the config file.


HitInfoConfig = CL.GameDataMgr.GetData(typeof(CL.HitInfoConfig))local customHitInfo = CL.HitInfoConfig.HitInfoConfigItem()customHitInfo.Name = "YOURPREFIX_YourWeaponName"customHitInfo.VelocityMlp = 1.5customHitInfo.DamageMlp = 30customHitInfo.DamageThrough = 1.5customHitInfo.DamageCrit = 1.5customHitInfo.StabMlp = 1.5customHitInfo.HitMlp = 120customHitInfo.HitRandom = 0.2customHitInfo.StabDamage = 120customHitInfo.BreakDefenceMlp = 1customHitInfo.HitBackMlp = 90customHitInfo.KnockoutFactor = 0.1customHitInfo.DizzyFactor = 0customHitInfo.StiffValue = 2.5HitInfoConfig:AddData(customHitInfo)

User Variables#

No user variables.


Where do I add this script?#

In WMD_WeaponModDemo.txt

Where can I add this to my weapon?#

Enter the customHitInfo.Name into the name field of the hitInfoObj component on your weapon.